Stockton MO Real Estate - 21775 S 725 Road Stockton MO 65785 MLS# 60269825

Posted By Laura Daly @ Jun 4th 2024 11:00am In: Stockton MO Real Estate

21775 S 725 Road Stockton, MO 65785
417.844.6033- call to view this home!

21775 S 725 Road
Stockton, MO 65785
MLS # BR 60269825 - Residential Real Estate

Enjoy quiet country living on this secluded acreage that has so much to offer. The stunning 2,756 square foot home custom built home, featuring a 1,188 square foot attached garage, seamlessly combines rustic charm with modern amenities. For those with a passion for hunting, this property is a true paradise. The mix of timber and pasture naturally create a haven for a...

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