Springfield MO Real Estate - 1967 South Kings Avenue Springfield MO 65807 MLS# 60115360

Posted By Laura Daly @ Aug 1st 2018 12:26pm In: Springfield MO Real Estate

1967 South Kings Avenue Springfield, MO 65807
417.844.6033 - call to view this home!

1967 South Kings Avenue
Springfield, MO 65807
Webb, H H
MLS # BR 60115360 - Residential Real Estate

Square footage stated on the listing is per an appraisal made in 2011 by Appraisal First and does not agree with the Court House. This might be just the home for you, if you want something with lots of character in a really nice area close to MSU and Mercy on a beautiful lot with a separate two story studio or workshop. Features include lots of privacy, replacement windows, circle drive in front an a rear entry garage with one stall two cars...

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