Stockton MO Real Estate - 18950 East Highway 32 Stockton MO 65785 MLS# 60269614

Posted By Laura Daly @ May 31st 2024 12:00pm In: Stockton MO Real Estate

18950 East Highway 32 Stockton, MO 65785
417.844.6033- call to view this home!

18950 East Highway 32
Stockton, MO 65785
MLS # BR 60269614 - Residential Real Estate

Welcome home. This attractively finished 3-bedroom, 2.5-bath residence, situated on 4 manicured acres just east of Stockton, MO, offers the perfect blend of functionality and convenience with prime blacktop frontage and an exceptional 30x40 detached garage.From the moment you arrive, the home's elevation and set-back location immediately catch your eye, providing both...

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