Strafford MO Real Estate - 1014 Heritage Road Strafford MO 65757 MLS# 60115172

Posted By Laura Daly @ Jul 29th 2018 11:00am In: Strafford MO Real Estate

1014 Heritage Road Strafford, MO 65757
417.844.6033 - call to view this home!

1014 Heritage Road
Strafford, MO 65757
MLS # BR 60115172 - Residential Real Estate

Let me first apologize, I know you have been waiting all summer for ''The House''. You know the beautiful one in the country, with a little bit of land. I know you have found a few that you really liked, but it didn't have a shop big enough for your husband, OR you found a place with an amazing shop, but you gave the house two thumbs down. Well, the wait is over, it is here. A completely updated, absolutely gorgeous (look for yourself if you...

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